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Each of the three credit bureaus – Experian, Transunion and Equifax – maintain separate credit histories and credit scores for each consumer. It’s important to check your credit reports at least once a year to ensure all information is accurate and that no one else is using your credit or identity. You can obtain a free credit report from each bureau once a year at Credit scores are available for an extra fee, which is likely between $5 and $10 per credit

Tips to Improve Your Credit

Could your credit history use a boost? Here are five tips to help you get back on track:

  1. Pay every bill on time.
  2. Pay more than the minimum amount due.
  3. Pay down balances and charge less.
  4. Don’t open or close any accounts.
  5. Simply wait. Most negative credit history will drop off your report after seven years.
woman working on balancing budget

Struggling with Credit Card Debt?

A debt management plan can help:
  • Consolidate monthly payments
  • Lower interest rates
  • Eliminate collection calls

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